It's no secret that in 2018, consumers are more health conscious and keen on what they put into their bodies. There are many health trends sweeping across the globe but sustainability is what makes this one stand out... People can't stop talking about Omniñi food products a Canadian company that focuses on manufacturing quality and premium health foods for the average consumer and household. Much attention was drawn to this company after they showcased their products at Dubai's 2018 Gulfood tradeshow in February where thousands came to learn about new products within the food industry. Canola oil has been one of their biggest hits and they are about to launch new products in the Middle East and Africa. Omni Canola oil has been tested and approved as one one the most healthy oil out there by one of the most reputable labs in the world with locations and offices in many countries across the globe. Please see the attached certificate for more information (Intertek). Omni good products’s Canola Oil has been a major success which is why there is great anticipation for the launch of Omni's two other major products which are: Omni Pure Canola Mayonnaise with Omega 3 and Omni Whole Oat Flour. Both products are aré strongly recommended for diabetes patients and health conscious individuals. After acquiring the Nafdac registration on both products, the demand is now overwhelming for those who have tried these products. We are looking for commited brand ambassadors in every corner of the world to push this health movement forward. Can we count on you to bring justice to the Omni good brand? Join our team and be a part of this great history in the making!
أرسل لــ Omni Food Products رسالة
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Sulai Area Exit 16
الهاتف: 966-11-2444040
فاكس: 966-11-2418674
الجوال: 966-547210322
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    منصة زاجل للتراسل هي منصة تراسل من الجيل الجديد NextGen Messaging Platform حيث تتشكل المنصة من blocks متعددة ومتخصصة ومستقلة توفر ديناميكية عالية لتصميم ال platform بحسب سيناريوهات الاستخدام للمنصة وتتوافق مع النشر والاستثمار ضمن بيئة استضافة dedicated او cloud او hybrid. منصة زاجل شديدة الديناميكية وتتيح عبر مكونات البناء الخاصة بها (building blocks) تشكيل المنصة تخدم أي سيناريو تراسل مهما كان معقدا عبر إضافة ومعايرة عناصر ديناميكية (dynamic items) وتجهيز إعدادات التواصل بين ال items وترك الأمر لمنصة زاجل للقيام بالباقي. للاطلاع على كافة التفاصيل عبر الموقع :

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