Pan Kingdom Group has selected from the first day of its inception a defined practical path and this was reflected very clearly in the size of development and diversification of activities and specialties in the group in a very short time. Despite this, we did not describe at any stage of the past that our work was perfect. We are aware and understand that we should continue development. At any stage when we make a satisfactory accomplishment, we ask ourselves what would be the next step. Our hands were doing actual works while our eyes ensuing the future. We understand the importance of honorable competition based on the values of accomplishment and fairness, and today we open opportunities to all of our competitors. In fact, we learn from our competitors more than we do by ourselves.
Today we observe at Pan Kingdom Group a new generation of leaders at the top management and executive management levels of these companies who received the trust from the first generation who established this entity with effort, patience and diligence. We have strengthened our practical and occupational values because we know that all of our accomplishments are not the product of an individual but a fruit of collective efforts.