Reigate Grammar School Riyadh (RGS Riyadh), formerly known as The Multinational School (MNS) is a KG to Year 13 private international school in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The school opened in September 2020 and on the 8th of May 2021, ADECO (owner of MNS) signed a partnership agreement with the award-winning UK independent school, Reigate Grammar School (RGS). RGS, founded in 1675, is regarded as one of the leading co-educational schools in the UK offering the very best academic education with equal prominence placed on the arts, sport and a rich extra-curricular programme. In the Academic year 2022-2023 RGS Riyadh will operate under the Royal Commission for Riyadh City’s (RCRC) International Schools Attraction Programme. RGS Riyadh will adopt the best RGS academic, pastoral and well being systems and practices. The Reigate Way will be carefully and appropriately interwoven into the fabric of our school here in Riyadh.