The bank was established Saudi Credit & Savings in 1391 AH has been focused bank's activity at the beginning of its establishment on social loans then the bank's expansion in the activities which included professional loan to be combined with loans Social and desire of the leadership in the diversification of the bank's activities and the development of its business .. Saudi Credit and saving a pillar important government in providing development loans facilitator for the citizens of this great country to enable them to contribute to the role of an actor and influential in the process of construction in addition to support small and emerging because of its high importance in building the economy of the Kingdom has adopted Bank strategies and plans for the development of this sector and to facilitate and accelerate the lending process through the program tracks.
Bank seeks to achieve four objectives that will advance the process of economic and social development in the Kingdom and those goals are as follows:
1-providing interest-free loans for small businesses and emerging employers and trades and professions of citizens to encourage them to engage in business for themselves and for their own account.
2-provide loans without social benefits for people with limited income citizens .. to help them overcome their financial difficulties.
3-CMOS to act as coordinator for the care sector, small enterprises and start-ups.
4-work to encourage savings and savings for individuals and institutions in the Kingdom .. and find the tools to achieve this end.